Idee regalo by Corpura

A Natale
regala bellezza

S‍copri le idee regalo ideate per regalare bellezza ai tuoi cari! Se non sei sicuro potrai acquistare una Gift Card del valore che preferisci.

Regali a partire da CHF 30.

Scopri i regali di Natale
Benvenuto in corpura

Ci prendiamo cura del tuo benessere e della tua bellezza.

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Estetica Base

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Estetica Avanzata

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I nostri servizi

Per la tua salute e bellezza a 360°.

Estetica Base

La cura della tua persona a 360°. Perché essere curati significa stare bene con se stessi.

Estetica Avanzata

Epilazione Laser, T-Shape, Antiage e molto altro.

Dimagrimento e anticellulite

Dimagrimento localizzato con il sistema Met
(Metabolic Electric Training).

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Simply the best template!

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David Howard
Simply the best template!

"A successful marketing plan relies heavily on the pulling-power of advertising copy. Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action."

Dylan Ruiz
Simply the best template!

"Grabbing the consumer’s attention isn’t enough; you have to keep that attention for at least a few seconds. This is where your benefits come into play or a product description that sets your offer apart."

Estelle Fisher
Simply the best template!

"Consumers are inundated with ads, so it’s vital that your ad catches the eye and immediately grabs interest."

Della Reed


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